Plastic EPR Registration

In the present world, there is hardly any industry devoid of plastic use. Most products used by us in our daily lives consist of some percentage of plastic material in them. It has led the world to produce approximately 430 million metric tons of plastic waste per year which is invariably increasing. India is among the top 10 producers of plastic waste in the world generating approximately 5.6 million tones of waste every year. These numbers are expected to surge in the upcoming years and that is why Plastic EPR (Extended Producers Responsibility) has been introduced.


The major concern revolving around plastic waste was addressed in the year 2016 when the Plastic Waste Management Rules were introduced. It focused on the recycling, reusing, and end-of-life disposal of plastic packaging waste. The Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change made it mandatory for plastic producers and importers to work on minimizing plastic waste, segregating plastic waste, and preventing plastic waste from littering the environment. Later on, in February 2022, the MoEFCC presented a comprehensive guideline on Plastic EPR and its implementation.


The guidelines issued by the Ministry clearly stated that all plastic waste producers, importers, and brand owners (PIBOs) must sign in for Plastic EPR Registration. Adherence to the Plastic Waste Management Rules is also mandatory for all PIBOs. Fostering these rules has become a necessity to tackle this global cause impacting the environment and lives miserably. The Plastic EPR Registration and PWM (Plastic Waste Management) Rules have emerged as a beacon of hope towards a sustainable and greener future.

Plastic EPR Registration

Significance of Plastic EPR (Extended Producers Responsibility) Registration

This registration states that the producers, importers and brand owners of plastic products take complete responsibility throughout their life cycle to reduce its impact on the environment, human lives, animals, and sea creatures. This registration has become mandatory as stated above and the Central Pollution Control Board is itself looking at its compliance. However, to understand it in a better way, it is essential to explore its significance.

Adherence to the PWM (Plastic Waste Management) Rules :-  Compliance with the Plastic Waste Management Rules formulated by the Indian government is mandatory and EPR registration helps in ensuring that. In case of non-compliance with these mandates and policies can result in legal actions and penalties. EPR Registration helps in binding PIBO’s to strictly follow all the PWM Rules and operate within the bounds of law.

Contribution towards a sustainable environment: – Plastic waste is a major threat to the environment and it causes harmful effects on our ecosystem. The presence of EPR Registration helps in encouraging PIBOs to minimise plastic packaging, reusing & recycling plastic waste, and adopting alternatives to plastic. Being bound to take the responsibility of plastic products till their end-of-life has made producers act efficiently and responsibly towards the collection of plastic waste and recycling it. It promotes sustainability through these steps and helps save the environment from landfill.
Building positive brand reputation – With the growth in the awareness towards plastic recycling programmes, consumers have become conscious when it comes to choosing the brand. They are prioritizing brands that offer sustainable products or are adhering to the sustainable practices and addressing environmental concerns through their products. EPR Registration showcases the brand’s and producer’s commitment towards corporate social & environmental responsibility. Participation in EPR programs can enhance the brand reputation by building a positive brand image.
Saving Cost and resources – EPR Registration is considered crucial when it comes to saving cost as it offers multiple opportunities for resource conservation. PIBO’s can consciously act on waste management practices which leads to reduction in expenses required for waste disposal. EPR is also encouraging producers to optimize and recycle plastic waste and extend the lifespan of plastic further. Implementing these practices help save cost spend on virgin resources. It helps producers explore opportunities through reusing and recycling of plastic waste.

Proposal For Plastic EPR Registration


Types of Plastic Packaging Covered Under EPR

Rigid Plastic Packaging – Rigid plastic packaging refers to containers made from stiff materials that maintain their shape. These include bottles, jars, and trays commonly used for food, beverages, and household products. According to the Plastic EPR rules, the producers, importers, manufacturers, and brand owners of rigid plastic packaging are responsible for its end-of-life management which helps in encouraging recycling and sustainable disposal practices.

Flexible Plastic Packaging – Flexible plastic packaging consists of pliable materials that can be easily shaped or manipulated. It includes plastic bags, pouches, sachets, and wraps used for packaging snacks, groceries, and personal care products. Though flexible plastic packaging offers great convenience. However, being light in weight and due to their complex composition, there are certain challenges that one will come across when recycling them.

Multi-Layered Plastic Packaging – Multi-layered plastic packaging is constructed using different types of plastics layered together to provide specific properties such as barrier protection and durability. This type of packaging is commonly used for food and beverage products, but the complex composition of this plastic packaging complicates the recycling process. The Plastic EPR program is helpful in addressing the challenges associated with multi-layered plastic packaging. It includes coffee bags, food packaging, snacks pouches, liquid detergents, pouches, pet food pouches, frozen food packaging, medical packaging and many others.

Compostable Plastics – Compostable plastics are designed to break down into organic matter under specific environmental conditions, such as in industrial composting facilities. While compostable plastics offer a potential solution to plastic pollution. But that is only possible when they are properly disposed of and that requires access to appropriate composting infrastructure. The Plastic EPR program does include provisions for managing compostable plastics to ensure they are effectively disposed and composted.

Ewour registation

Plastic EPR Registration Process

According to the Plastic EPR Program, the PIBOs and PWPs are required to fill an online application form with all the required documents and data to obtain Plastic EPR Registration. They also need to pay the application fees before submitting the online application form. The application fees will vary according to the quantity and type of plastic packaging. Ensure that you have all the documents available that are required for Plastic EPR Registration before filling the application form. Let’s understand the step by step process of Plastic EPR Registration.


  1. Open the website of Central Pollution Control Board and start the registration process by filling the application form
  2. The applicator needs to fill all the required and mandatory details by entering the details of the business owner or the concerned person along with the details of the business. (Note: Application Pages for Producers, Importers, and Brand Owners do vary, so choose accordingly in the initial stage)
  3. Enter all the details as per the Plastic EPR requirements like the details of the plastic waste generated, type of plastic packaging, and estimation about the quantity of plastic waste collection goal for the upcoming year.
  4. After filling all the details, upload all the required documents and verify them before the submission of the application form to ensure that you have shared all the documents.
  5. Do make the payment of the application fees after submission of application form.
  6. The application form will then get transferred to the CPCB of the dedicated state where your business exists. The CPCB officials will verify all the information to ensure that all the details filled our correct. It may take around 15 days in the processing of application form.
  7. If CPCB will find all your details correct, they will grant you the Plastic EPR Registration Certificate.

Plastic EPR Registration – Key Documents

    • While applying for the Plastic Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), the producers are required to present some key documents for Plastic EPR Registration. The documents are:
  • Business Address Verification Document
  • Contact Details and Product Details
  • Authorized Person’s Documents and Details
  • PAN Card Copy
  • Manufacturer/Producer/Exporter Legal Papers
  • Directorate of Industries
  • Incorporation Certificate
  • Municipal Corporation/Local Authorities Certificate
  • IE Code Verification
  • RoHS Compliance Details
  • BIS License (If available)
  • Recycler’s Information
  • Plastic Waste Management Estimate
  • EPR Budget
  • EPR Plan
  • Details of Awareness Initiatives
  • Copy of Agreements

The list of these key documents is subject to change as required by CPCB (Central Pollution Control Board). The requirement of the documents may also vary depending on the area of the business and the kind of plastic waste produced by PIBOs.




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Frequently Asked Questions

Ewour Waste Management accepts a wide range of electronic waste, including old computers, laptops, mobile phones, printers, and more.

Ewour Waste Management utilizes state-of-the-art technology and follows strict environmental guidelines to ensure responsible recycling and the recovery of precious metals from electronic waste.

Yes, both individuals and businesses can benefit from Ewour’s tailored recycling solutions, contributing to a cleaner environment while responsibly managing their electronic waste.

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