Tyre EPR Registration

Environmental pollution is a major concern worldwide and there are several factors leading to it, tyres being one of them. Presently, more than 1.5 billion of tyre waste is produced globally every year. Out of which, India is contributing around 6 percent of the tyre waste across the globe. Though the number of tyre waste produced in India is comparatively lower than the developed nations. But more than 3 lakh tons of tyre waste is imported by India annually for recycling. According to the statistics shared by World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), out of the total tyre waste produced worldwide, approximately 25 percent gets recycled. Whereas the rest gets disposed and dumped unconsciously resulting into landfills, ocean pollution, and several other environmental hazards. To curb this situation, the Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change introduced The Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2016.


However, after several amendments in the rules, they were released by MoEFCC and CPCB in the year 2022 as The Hazardous and Other Wastes Amendment Rules 2022. These rules are effective from 21st July, 2022. These rules are applicable on tyre producers, tyre recyclers, and tyre retreader. According to these rules, every tyre producer, importer, and brand owner who is dealing with the new or old tyres must register for Waste Tyre EPR. They must also adhere to the rules laid down for proper accumulation, transportation, and recycling of waste tyres. In order to protect the environment and ecosystem from the harmful effects of improper disposal of waste tyres, the PIBOs must follow the guidelines to discard the End of Life Cycle Tyres properly.


The PIBOs can easily register online for the Waste Tyre EPR with CPCB for waste tyre management. Any producer or recycler found sharing wrong EPR certification or fake EPR certification will face adverse effects by the Central Pollution Control Board. The rules stated in the 2022 amendment for waste tyre management are strict and any non-compliance with the same will lead to penalties and punishment.


tyre epr registration

Significance of Waste Tyre EPR (Extended Producers Responsibility) Registration

Proposal For Tyre EPR Registration


To control the situation of waste tyres leading to the production of toxins, chemicals, and non-degradable waste in water, soil, and air, Waste Tyre EPR Registration is an essential step taken by the Indian government. Let’s explore some of its significance to get more information about it.


Facilitates proper recycling and refurbishment – Before the Waste Tyre Management Rules were introduced, the recycling numbers were quite low. However, now recycling businesses and tyre producers have become aware of the same. They are utilizing best recycling techniques to get more out of the recycled tyres for producing multiple new products. It has also minimized the need to consume fresh resources for production of several products.


Minimizes the volume of tyre waste – The adherence to the Waste Tyre Management Rules encompasses the proper discarding or recycling or reusing of waste tyres. As more tyres get recycled every year, we will be able to witness the reduction in the landfill and environmental pollution. Recycling and reusing of tyres will help minimize the quantity of the waste tyre dumped every year. Instead, it will make producers and brand owners more aware to start producing tyres made of non-toxic and biodegradable products that don’t lead to environmental pollution.


Compliance to the Waste Tyre Management Rules – Being mandatory to follow, it ensures that the tyre producers and brand owners take complete responsibility of the end-of-life impact of the tyre. By registering for Tyre EPR, they comply with the rules laid down by the CPCB and MoEFCC. It helps them offer commitment towards environmental stewardship and also save them from legal penalties and fines.


Boosting the economy by generating new opportunities – The awareness regarding the Tyre EPR is fostering new recycling businesses by offering them several economic opportunities through waste tyre collection and recycling. As India imports a huge number of tyre waste every year and recycling it can help produce several valuable resources that have great monetary value. Recycling doesn’t require more water or energy and that is what helps save the cost spent on the production of new rubber products.


Tyre EPR Registration Process

To obtain Tyre EPR registration,  producers and importers must fill out an application form online. All the necessary and mandatory information should be filled out by them in the application form, along with the submission of the Tyre EPR registration fees. Before beginning the application process, it is advisable to check if all the documents are available with you or not. Also, check the Tyre EPR registration fees, as that may vary according to the quantity, type of tyre, or business. Below, we are sharing the how to register for Tyre EPR.


  • Applicants are required to fill out the application form on the web portal of the Central Pollution Control Board.
  • There are several details which are required, along with the list of documents, while filling the Tyre EPR registration form. (The form may vary for tyre producers and importers, so choose accordingly.).
  • Ensure that all the information filled out on the Tyre EPR application form is correct and is as per the documents required by the Tyre EPR requirements. Do mention the type of tyre waste generated and the goal for the upcoming year for collecting and recycling tyre waste.
  • Upload all the necessary documents by verifying them, and submit the application form as instructed.
  • Do not skip making the payment for the Tyre EPR registration, as without the submission of application fees, the application form will be considered null and void.
  • Once the documents and the application form get submitted, the officials of the Central Pollution Control Board evaluate them. If all the documents and details are correct, the certificate of authorization for Tyre EPR registration is granted within 30 days. However, if the application is found to be incorrect, the CPCB authorities will share the adjustments or details required to help applicants get the Tyre EPR registration.

Tyre EPR Registration – Key Documents

Producers and manufacturers are required to submit certain documents which are mandatory for the Tyre Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Registration.

  1. Owner, Proprietor, or Sole Proprietor Details
  2. Certificate of Incorporation for the company or LLP
  3. IEC (Import Export Code) Number of the Company (when applied by importer)
  4. PAN Card Number of the firm
  5. GST Certification Number of the firm
  6. Aadhar Card Number and PAN Card details of the Authorized Signatory
  7. Covering Letter, Undertaking Documents, Tyre Composition, and Manufacturing Data as per the Annexure A, Annexure B, Annexure C, and Annexure D
  8. Company Letterhead Declaration
  9. Partnership Deed for the firm
  10. Country of Origin
  11. NOC from the required authorities
  12. Environmental Approvals from the required authorities
  13. Proposed EPR Strategy Details and Plans
  14. CA Certificate of previous 3 years for the sale and import of tyres
  15. Audit Report of previous 3 years
  16. GST Annual Report of previous 3 years

It is requested to verify the documents before starting the registration process. The list of the required documents is subject to change as instructed by Central Pollution Control Board during the time of the registration.

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